to teach or not to teach

Ok so as an impending graduate, I’ve decided to (meaning Eric made me) take charge of my future future.  Yes, my future future.  The future beyond my immediate future.  Like, what I’m going to do with my life.  But that also requires a firm grasp of my immediate future as well.  So GRE, here I come.

yeah they are.

Sometime next summer I will take this infamous test of general skill and hopefully make my way into the Master of Arts in

English program at CSU.  In the meantime I’ve taken it upon myself to volunteer at local schools for things like supervising writing time and helping prepare for district reading tests by writing articles and stories for the exam.

I am hoping (and generally assuming) that my desired writing and editing will come as a byproduct of going into education, seeing as every English teacher I’ve ever had was publishing in some way or another.  I’ll make it happen.  And I finally went with education because working at IBBA has given me insight into how much I like kids.

This was a big day for me, so I appreciate Eric for pushing me to make some frickin’ decisions.  I also appreciate my enjoyment of education, because it appears that in order to be in the education field I will have to continue my education for several more years.  Also a good thing that I really like CSU.

Image from here.

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